PF Withdrawal

PF Withdrawal is another form of Getting Good Amount of Money PF withdrawal is mostly done when a person gets retired or has to carry out the process of changing his job. PF is a type of investment which is done from the salary of an employee and on a that continuous basis. This amountContinue reading “PF Withdrawal”

How to Withdraw PF Online

EPFO or Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation allows an employee of an eligible organization to have a secure life post-retirement with the help of a scheme called Provident Fund. This fund is a contribution from both the employee and the employer, where at least 12% of the monthly salary of the former and a matching amountContinue reading “How to Withdraw PF Online”

PF Withdrawal Process Online

PF or Provident Fund is your right as an employee. An eligible organization is required to offer their salaried employees with this savings cum retirement scheme, to help them fall back onto these funds post-retirement. The process entails the employee to contribute at least 12% of their monthly salaries into Provident Fund, and expect theirContinue reading “PF Withdrawal Process Online”

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